Monday, November 19, 2012

Get Well Soon Catie!

I just wanted to take a moment to ask you guys to pray for my best friend Catie! She recently fell into a glass table and has ten stitches in her back. Even though we only have two days in school this week she still can't come. Right now she has to stay still and lay in her bed and it's hard for her to do some simple things. Hopefully I'm going to get to see her Tuesday (tomorrow) and hang out with her and see how she's doing.

I love you so much Catie and I can't wait to see you!

Catie's Blog

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Consider it a Lesson Learned

This morning I woke up to my alarm on my phone (quite annoying might I add). I reach over to hit snooze and what do I do? Stab myself. In the eye. With my fingernail. Do you know how painful that is? Incredibly painful. Now my eye is all red and watery. :( And I couldn't even put mascara on this morning because it's too watery. (Catie knows how disappointing that is. Right Catie?;)) Then you know I do the natural thing... lay in my bed for 10 minutes, putting pressure on my eye (That is normal, right?). I couldn't open my eye for close to 15 minutes but I couldn't seem to keep it closed either. It was probably one of the most painful things I have ever done. Then you know I actually have to try to move on with my life so I have to get up go to the bathroom (I was about to wet my pants) then do my hair. I walk in and the light was BLINDING! So I go to the bathroom and start on my hair. So naturally my hair looks terrible today. (It was braided last night after I took my shower so all I would have to do was blow dry it some the take it out).

So my lesson is learned... Be careful when you wake up... And don't ever stab yourself in the eye. especially in the morning when you actually have to get ready.

Well... That was my rant for the day. Haha. :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wish You Were Here

One of my favorite music groups is "Everly". I love their music and their voices. Their voices are very unique unlike some of today's singers who all have the same sounding voice. They are a lot deeper than others I've heard. The way they sound together is just beautiful. Recently I found out that Bethany Joy Lenz (1/2 of "Everly") Has her own blog. It's called "Wish You Were Here". In her last post she said she wasn't going to be posting until December 1st. Not gonna lie... I'm a little disappointed. I always look forward to reading her post. But is this means that's she's going to be posting more often then I think I'm OK with that. :)

That's all for now :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

"October Baby"

I wanted to start with how AMAZING this movie is. I saw October Baby when it came out (I think). This movie is a very meaningful movie. It's one of those "feel good" movies, but it still leaves you sad... it makes you think. Here's the synopsis from IMDb:

"As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah-unscripted-collapses in front of the stunned audience. After countless medical tests, all signs point to one underlying factor: Hannah's difficult birth. This revelation is nothing compared to what she then learns from her parents: she was actually adopted ... after a failed abortion attempt. Bewildered, angered, and confused, Hannah turns for support to Jason, her oldest friend. Encouraged by his adventurous spirit, Hannah joins his group of friends on a Spring Break road trip, embarking on a journey to discover her hidden past ... and find hope for her unknown future. In the midst of her incredible journey, Hannah learns that every life is beautiful."

This is a very moving movie. It shows how important life is. How meaningful life is. Hannah is a 19 year old collage freshman who has a lot of medical issues. Later, come to find out, she's a survivor of a failed abortion. She decides to go on a trip with some friends to sort of clear her head and find her birth mother. Along the way she learns that every life is created by God. Every life is loved. "Every life is beautiful".

The music in this movie is incredible. For the touching moments, there's a perfect song to go with it. For more upbeat moments, there's a perfect song for that too. One of the songs is very unique. It's called "Ocean Floor" it's by a woman named Gianna Jessen. Gianna is a big part of this movie. The movie is based on her. Gianna Jessen is an abortion survivor. Below is "Ocean Floor" an amazing song:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So I'm probably THE worst blogger ever. Haha. I can't promise that I'm gonna be blogging more often but I'm gonna try to. :)

On a different note I would like to tell you about my best friend's blog. She started it not to long ago Her name's Catie (You may have seen her in my last post :)). She's super sweet, outgoing, loving, and most importantly Christ-like. Her blog is all about her life, what she's liking right now, and things she wants to let people know. You can see her blog here. :) She also is and AMAZING singer. You can see all of her YouTube videos on her blog. I promise... you;re not wasting your time. :) Love you Catie! :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


That moment when you haven't seen your friend in almost two weeks but it seems like it's been two years! Even though you Skype, text, call, even Snapchat it still seems like you haven't seen them in ages. But you know they feel the same way when they send you random texts saying how much they miss you and can't wait to see you or send you pictures of your name in the sand they wrote for you... And it makes you feel a little bit better. The reunion will be sweet. Love you Catie!

(Yep that's right Snapchat and my name in the beach... Love that girl! :))

Friday, April 20, 2012

Unique Cellist: Part 2

My family and I were helping host a baby shower and lucky for us Sharon (Cellist) came to play lullabys. I had the honor of listening to her play "Someone Like You", "Safe and Sound", some Coldplay, along with many other artists. Sharon is one of the most dedicated people I know. She puts her heart and soul into all of her music. It's always an honor to hear her play her cello. Another thing about Sharon that is very unique is that she does play for her own joy in music but she also plays for what it brings to other people. Last night she was telling me that she thinks this could be really good, and I think she's right. Something very memorable that she said that I will never forget was, "We need to bless the world." Meaning, her music can do a lot for people... we just need to get it to them. Sharon is one of the most talented people I know and you can see some of that talent for yourself on her website, and on her YouTube channel.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Hunger Games: Part 2

I just finished Mockingjay (3rd book) and LOVED it! The ending was so perfect and sweet and it showed just how much Peeta and Katniss care for each other and that they wouldn't be able to live without each other. :)  I was a little upset about some of the characters being killed off, but the more I thought about it the more it just showed the strength of Peeta and Katniss' relationship. I would highly recommend these books. :):):)

You liked The Hunger Games. Real or Not Real? ;)
Answer at the side poll. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Hunger Games

I am incredibly addicted to The Hunger Games. :) I haven't see the movie yet but am almost done with the third book, and I LOVE them! For those of you who don't know what it's about, it's set it a futuristic time where after the war North America split into 13 districts and The Capital destroyed district 13 to show they have power over them. Every year The Capital host the Hunger Games where they randomly pick a boy and a girl from each of the 12 districts and put them in an arena and they kill each other until there's only one person left standing. They do this to show they have control over them and that The Capital can wipe them out whenever the want. It is a kinda violent but it also shows courage and trust. Here's a sneak peek to the book and the movie. :):):)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Unque Cellist

One of my mom's friends is a professional cellist and has played for many different events. She constantly practices new songs and tries to perfect them. As most of you know "The Hunger Games" recently came out and features (in the credits) the new Taylor Swift and Civil Wars song "Safe and Sound". She just perfected the song and put it on YouTube. In the song she uses her cello as her one and only instrument. In the song you"ll also find that she Incorporated Rue's calling. She chose the perfect setting for it, beside a camp fire. :) Take a look at it. :)