Thursday, November 15, 2012

Consider it a Lesson Learned

This morning I woke up to my alarm on my phone (quite annoying might I add). I reach over to hit snooze and what do I do? Stab myself. In the eye. With my fingernail. Do you know how painful that is? Incredibly painful. Now my eye is all red and watery. :( And I couldn't even put mascara on this morning because it's too watery. (Catie knows how disappointing that is. Right Catie?;)) Then you know I do the natural thing... lay in my bed for 10 minutes, putting pressure on my eye (That is normal, right?). I couldn't open my eye for close to 15 minutes but I couldn't seem to keep it closed either. It was probably one of the most painful things I have ever done. Then you know I actually have to try to move on with my life so I have to get up go to the bathroom (I was about to wet my pants) then do my hair. I walk in and the light was BLINDING! So I go to the bathroom and start on my hair. So naturally my hair looks terrible today. (It was braided last night after I took my shower so all I would have to do was blow dry it some the take it out).

So my lesson is learned... Be careful when you wake up... And don't ever stab yourself in the eye. especially in the morning when you actually have to get ready.

Well... That was my rant for the day. Haha. :)

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