Saturday, November 26, 2011

Michigan Beat Ohio State!

I love love love Michigan and for them to beat Ohio State for the first time in 7 years is something I was so excited to see. Here are some of my favorite pictures of my favorite players. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Sister and I

I found this really cool new app and you can do different things to pictures you are taking and this was one I took with Jana. ;) I love it!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

School Has Officially Started

So 7th grade isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually it's TONS of fun. I really like all of my teachers their all so nice and helpful. the only thing I HATE about 7th grade is that I have PE everyday! Oh, Wait! It gets better! I have PE right after lunch! I'm talikin' like 5 MINUTES after lunch! Could my schedule get any better?? I don't think it could. But anyways. I'm very grateful that God has supplied a Christian school for me to go to. By the way I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately... I'll have to work on that. ;) Bye!


Monday, August 1, 2011

My New Favorite Series!!

Yes, I have a new favorite series that one of my Mom's friends thought I would like. It's called the Baby-Sitters Club. There are TONS of books in the series! There are even mini-series within series! The Books are about four girls who start a baby-sitting club where they meet three times a week in one of the girls bedrooms to take calls from their clients so the clients can reach multiple baby-sitters at one time so people don't have to call everywhere just to get a baby-sitter. Then whoever's free gets the job. Through out the series new people join the club. I have really enjoyed the series even though I have only read through book #9. Hope you enjoy! A link to all of the books is attached! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Unique Graffiti:)

This is probably my favorite clip of graffiti I own. I love the neon colors and how the letters all connect. Jon (my brother) gave this clip to me out of one of his calendars. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Unique Babies

I got the opportunity to go to the Cabbage Patch Hospital over my 3 week trip. Here are some videos and pictures from that great experience. :)


Even MORE adorable!

To DIE for!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Sorry I haven't been posting latley! I've been busy on my summer trip. I have gone to Georgia and am in Michigan right now. I am staying with my Grandparents on this trip. they decided to take me on this trip to see all the places my brother and sister have been and try to do all the things they have done. I will upload some ictures soon from my trip so you can see some of the places I've been! I'll post later!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Goodbye School... Hello Summer!

So happy! School is almost over! Just four more days of school then I'm free from, waking up early, school work, and homework. Getting to sleep in, NO school work, NO homework, and NO getting up early! That's the life!! Can't wait!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Unique City... Chattanooga!

From Wednesday, April 27 through Friday, April 29 I was in Chattanooga Tennessee with my whole 6th grade class. We went to a lot of really neat places. The first day was very interesting considering that there was a tornado, hail, and tons of rain. But God protected us from everything that was going on. The first day before the fiasco we went to the Tennessee Aquarium which was so much fun! We got to see so many different types of sea animals. on the second day we went to see Rock City which was absolutely amazing! We also went to Ruby Falls. There were so many neat rocks to see along with the amazing waterfall at the end of the half mile trip. They have no idea where the water comes from. The water fall is also the biggest water fall in the United States of America. On the third day we went spelunking or caving. That, like everything else, was fun (Except for when I got stuck... for about ten seconds). Here are some pictures from my trip! Enjoy!

                                                                  We got to see 7 states at once
                                                                     when we went to rock city.

The water fall that we saw at Ruby Falls.

Part of the cave at Ruby Falls.

A seahorse that we saw at the Aquarium.

A pretty flower I saw at the Aquarium.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Favorite Book Series!

Since last year I have been reading a really good series that my friend introduced me to. It's a bout two identical twin sisters that switch places. (They switch in every book) There are three books and the amount of pages is anywhere from around 230 to about 350. There are three different books in the series. They don't take me long to read. The first one took me three days to read. The second one took me two days to read. And I am currently on the third one. I know it doesn't really make any since why it has taken me so long to read the whole series, but not an individual one. It's because after I read the first one was out, I didn't even know they had a second one until I went to Barns and Noble. And I have been waiting for the third one and I got it two days ago! I usually don't like reading, but I love reading these books!

#1- Trading Faces

#2- Take Two

#3- Times Squared (Sorry it's so small)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Something I've Been Working On....

I've been working in Picnik on a few of my favorite nature pictures. So I thought you might want to see them. So here they are....

This one I'm entering in the Art Show at school.

I thought you might enjoy them. Tell me what you think!

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Friday"- Re-made

Okay, I really don't think Rebbecca Black's voice is that good, but this video is so funny. My friend put it on her blog and Brookwood (church) re-made it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

American Idol

Can I just say that American Idol is much better this season than it has been in the past few seasons. Personally I want the blond Lauren or Casey (the leprechaun) to win the whole thing! I'm glad the judges used their one save on Casey. Go Casey and Lauren!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Sadly this is me... :(

New Blog!

Yes, I know what your thinking, "Why does she have another blog???". Well I happen to have a really good reason. This summer I'm going to 5 different states with my grandparents, and I'm getting a phone for my birthday. You can update the blog from your phone. So I was thinking that I could show you guys all of my wonderful experiences without having to take too much time out of my adventures. You can find it here. I really hope you like it! Adios!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Unique Singers

Yesterday I was listening to a really good couple named Jenny and Tyler and I saw a little link that said contact so I hit it there was their email address. So I emailed them and the next morning there it was an email from them! Well in case you would like to know their website address here it is, and here is their blog address. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Unique Country

     This year, for our major project, we are doing a country report. They had us write down our top three country choices. Here were the choices I put down:

1.) Sydney, Australia
2.) Malta
3.) England

1.) My first choice was Sydney, Australia. I wanted to do Sydney because Emma, my best friend, used to live, with her family, in Sydney as missionaries. Apparently, Australia is a continent AND a country considering Sydney was scratched out by my teacher on my piece of paper. (And other people telling me)

2.) My second choice was Malta. Malta is a very small island just a little bit bigger than two of Washington D.C.. The only reason I put Malta down on my piece of paper is because my ancestors came from Malta.

3.) I put England down as my third choice because I couldn't think of any other country to put down for my third choice.

And the winner is...


     I wasn't very happy with my country at first, or for that matter that much right now, because it's very hard to find information on it that you haven't already read. But I'm managing, and I think I'm doing pretty good so far!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Unique Little Girl

So lately I have been helping one of our family friends named Candace.  She has been looking for a cheer leading outfit for her little girl. I told her that I love to do those kinds of things and would be glad to help. So I have been looking online for cute cheer leading outfits and thought that I might show you some. So her are some link to some really cute ones. If you have any suggestions let me know! (She wants them to be navy blue and pleaded!)

Outfit #1
Outfit #2
Outfit #3
Outfit #4
Outfit #5
Outfit #6
Outfit #7
Outfit #8
Outfit #9

Enjoy! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

So did everyone like their snow that they got? Apparently, Hawaii is the only state that did not get snow. Crazy huh? Well I would love it if you would leave a comment telling me the fun things that you did in the snow. I would really like to tell you that I have a blog that we made in computer lab for a book report, well I redid it to make it a "Online Art Portfolio" (as I like to call it). It is titled "The Sketch Pad". I would love for you to see it. Here is the link for it! Bye for now!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unique Gingerbread Houses

These are some of the Gingerbread Houses that we saw when we were at Asheville. I love how each one is so different!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Could You?

Hey I'm not sure if you remember the little girl I told you guys about that Burned herself and got a second degree burn. Well it turns out she actually got a 3rd degree burn. If you would like to read more details here is the link, I would really like it if you could pray that their whole family would know that God is with them, Thank you so much!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


WOW! Can you believe it! It's 2011. Weird To think of that... last time I blogged was in 2010. Well sorry I haven't been able to get my pictures on yet but their coming! Bye for now!