Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Something I've Been Working On....

I've been working in Picnik on a few of my favorite nature pictures. So I thought you might want to see them. So here they are....

This one I'm entering in the Art Show at school.

I thought you might enjoy them. Tell me what you think!

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Friday"- Re-made

Okay, I really don't think Rebbecca Black's voice is that good, but this video is so funny. My friend put it on her blog and Brookwood (church) re-made it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

American Idol

Can I just say that American Idol is much better this season than it has been in the past few seasons. Personally I want the blond Lauren or Casey (the leprechaun) to win the whole thing! I'm glad the judges used their one save on Casey. Go Casey and Lauren!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Sadly this is me... :(

New Blog!

Yes, I know what your thinking, "Why does she have another blog???". Well I happen to have a really good reason. This summer I'm going to 5 different states with my grandparents, and I'm getting a phone for my birthday. You can update the blog from your phone. So I was thinking that I could show you guys all of my wonderful experiences without having to take too much time out of my adventures. You can find it here. I really hope you like it! Adios!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Unique Singers

Yesterday I was listening to a really good couple named Jenny and Tyler and I saw a little link that said contact so I hit it there was their email address. So I emailed them and the next morning there it was an email from them! Well in case you would like to know their website address here it is, and here is their blog address. Enjoy!